Don’t Let Your Customers Mute You

Instagram is about to roll out another new feature, this time the ability to mute an account. According to an article on Adweek, Instagram’s new feature will allow users to stop interaction in a different way from simply blocking an account. Instead of not seeing anything from an account at all, muting an account lets you see their posts on their profile and be notified if you’ve been tagged in a post or a comment. Accounts that have been muted won’t know that you’ve taken this action, which is a more subtle way to avoid someone because blocking can be detected by the other party.

While this new change will help users who do not wish to see posts from certain people and keep complicated friendships in check, it does affect brands. This new change gives consumers the ability to mute brands who may be posting too much or are posting about things they aren’t interested in. The reason consumers will choose to mute instead of blocking or unfollowing is that they may really like the brand itself and its products and want the freedom to still be connected to them, but not have to see their posts.

When users decide to mute brands it leads to less engagement on their posts and the hard work they put into their posts is lost if users begin to opt out of seeing them.The best way to avoid this happening to your brand is to change what your posting if you see a dip in engagement. If you’re a clothing brand and only post images of clothing on a mannequin or on a hangar, change it up and have someone wear it and photograph it in interesting angles and make the photos interesting. It might help to try different types of content to see what works better for your account.

If you’ve worked so hard to attract the attention of a user and entice them to follow you, don’t throw it all away and lose this user’s attention. By having engaged followers, it increases the chances of converting them to a buyer of your products and if you continue to excite them and satisfy them, they’ll flourish into loyal customers that will generate a lot of revenue to your brand. Do not let this new feature swallow up your hard work, work smarter to create content that appeals to your followers.

If you have any thoughts or questions, please leave them in a comment below.


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